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Classic Airliners
Lockheed Constellation
Jim Winchester
MBI Publishing
ISBN 0-7603-1198-6

To many, the Lockheed Constellation epitomises air travel in the piston-engined era. Few transport aircraft before or since have matched the dolphin-like, triple-tailed Constellation for sheer design elegance. The Constellation became the flagship of the great US airlines, and established the post-war international air routes for many of today's mega-carriers such as Air France, Lufthansa and QANTAS. The parallel military career of the C-121 military Constellations could fill volumes by itself. As transports, they served the US Air Force and Navy, and a few other nations on missions all over the world, but in the new and specialised roles of early-warning, command-and-control, and electronic intelligence (FLINT), they were the ancestors of today's AWACS aircraft, an essential part of the modern battlefield.

Only a few of the 856 Connies and Starliners that rolled off the production lines between 1943 and 1958 remain today, and only a handful of them still fly. These are almost all in the hands of wealthy collectors and enthusiasts' groups, and they can be guaranteed to attract a crowd wherever they go.

The Author

Jim Winchester was born in Wellington, New Zealand and has been interested in aviation as long as he can remember. In 1992 he received an MA in Geography at the University of Canterbury with a thesis on the development of Wellington Airport. He has worked for a DC-3 freight operation, a warbird organisation and a balloon company and was the editor of Wings of Fame. He has contributed to a number of books and magazines including Aeroplane, Flypast, Warbirds Worldwide and World Air Power Journal. He is currently the assistant editor of Jets magazine, writes an internet column for Aeroplane and is a freelance writer and photographer based in London.

Classic Airliner

This new series looks at classic postwar airliners.

Each book contains chapters on :

Design and Development

Technical specification

Production listing

In Service


Military Variants

Accidents &Incidents



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MÀJ : 4 juillet 2024

Suivi des modificationsInformation
Historique des modifications du site

Les dix dernières modifications

Constellation  Maquette du F-BBDU par Thierry Mallory
Vilgénis  Promotion 1957-1960 - Photo repas du 12 mars 2024
Vilgénis  Promotion 1971-1974 - Photos « Fifty two years later »
Vilgénis  Mise à jour logo et description AFMAÉ
Vilgénis  Promotion 1963-1966 - Photo 60e anniversaire
Bibliothèque  Mise à jour liens documents Musée Air France chez BNF Gallica
Vilgénis  Photo promotion 1981-1984
Bibliothèque  Mise à jour liens documents Musée Air France chez Gallica BNF
Vilgénis  Photos promotion 1981-1984 - Merci Éric Blasi
Vilgénis  Promotion 1963-1966 - Photos 59e anniversaire

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Concorde dans la presse entre 1965 et 2003

Plus de 700 documents
- des coupures de presse, la plupart patiemment récupérées et archivées par un agent Air France passionné de Concorde, Pierre Dumez, père d'un de mes anciens collègues,
- des extraits de revues internes Air France (Briefing, France Aviation, Point Fixe,...), avec l'aimable autorisation d'Air France
- un extrait de Lignes Aériennes, avec l'aimable autorisation de Jacques Darolles
- quelques photographies de matériel,
- des documents divers, comme la brochure du Comité de soutien Concorde d'avril 1974, aimablement communiquée par Francis SAINT PIERRE.
On peut y trouver l'historique en trois étapes, le premier vol, les essais au sol et en vol, les moteurs, la philatélie, la publicité technique et commerciale, le tragique accident du F-BTSC, les modifications, le redécollage et l'arrêt des vols.

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© Dominique Ottello
2004 - 2024