Le Poste de Pilotage d'un L.1049C

Poste L.1049C
- 1 - Panneau supérieur
- 2 - Compas de secours
- 3 - Pompe hydraulique de secours
- 4 - Pylone central
- 5 - Volant de direction du train avant
Pylone central
Pylone du poste L.1049C
- Elevator trim tab control wheels
- Rudder booster control lever
- Aileron booster control lever
- Reverse pitch throttle levers
- Throttle levers
- Reverse lock override lever
- Electric elevator trim tab clutch lever
- Master propeller pitch control lever
- Wing flap control lever
- Flight path selector switch
- Flight path direction selector switch
- Parking brake levers (hidden)
- Automatic pilot pistol grip turn handle
- Ventilation damper (foot warmer) control knobs
- Automatic pilot gyro beacon light
- Automatic pilot clutch switch
- Automatic pilot Flux-Gate caging switch
- Ash receiver
- Landing gear control lever release trigger
- Landing gear control lever
- Automatic pilot servo disconnect levers
- Brake selector valve lever
- Aileron trim tab handcrank
- Emergency elevator booster shift control
- Rudder trim tab handcrank
- No. 2 ADF sensitivity control
- No. 1 ADF sensitivity control
Détails Pilote Automatique
- Altitude control switch
- Pitch trim knob
- Bank trim knob
- Pistol grip turn handle and trigger switch
- Gyro beacon light
- Clutch switch
- Automatic pilot Flux-Gate caging switch
- Aileron servo disconnect lever
- Rudder servo disconnect lever
- Elevator servo disconnect lever
Panneau supérieur du poste L.1049C
- Fuel dump lever (tanks 1 and 2)
- Fuel dump lever (tanks 3 and 4)
- Emergency shut-off levers
- Overhead switch panel
- Overhead control panel
- Ignition switches
- Panel light switch
- Rudder auxiliary booster circuit breaker switch
- Rudder auxiliary booster indicator light
- Rudder auxiliary booster switch
- Elevator auxiliary booster switch
- Elevator auxiliary booster indicator light
- Elevator auxiliary booster circuit breaker switch
- Ordinance light switches
- Landing light lamp switches
- Landing light extend-retract switches
Panneau supérieur sélection radio L.1049C
- 1 - HF communication ON-OFF switch
- 2 - HF communication frequency selector switch
- 3 - HF communication tuning light
- 4 - ADF No. 1 CW-OFF switch
- 5 - ADF No. 1 tuning meter
- 6 - ADF No. 1 function switch
- 7 - ADF No. 1 loop rotator switch
- 8 - HF No. 1 control (provisions)
- 9 - ADF No. 2 CW-OFF switch
- 10 - ADF No. 2 tuning meter
- 11 - ADF No. 2 function switch
- 12 - ADF control indicator light
- 13 - ADF No. 2 loop rotator switch
- 14 - VHF COM 2 power switch
- 15 - VHF COM 2 frequency selector switch
- 16 - ADF No. 2 band selector switch
- 17 - ADF No. 2 tuning crank
- 18 - Radio control panel lights switch
- 19 - VHF REC 2 switch
- 20 - VHF NAV 2 frequency selector switch
- 21 - VHF NAV 2 power switch
- 22 - VHF COM 1 frequency selector switch
- 23 - VHF COM 1 power switch
- 24 - ADF No. 1 band selector switch
- 25 - ADF light control switch
- 26 - ADF No. 1 tuning crank
- 27 - Marker beacon HI-LO-OFF switch
- 28 - VHF NAV 1 frequency selector
- 29 - VHF NAV 1 power switch