Mabelle Gilman

University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections, Hay04764

Mabelle Gilman

William Ellis Corey et Mabelle Gilman

William Ellis Corey (1866-1934) à la tête de l'« United States Steel Corporation » de 1903 à 1911.

Pendant sa présidence, William E. Corey a procédé à des investissements et à la modernisation de l'industrie de l'acier des Etats-Unis. Les bénéfices ont augmentés de plus de $20 millions de $109 millions à $131 millions avec des capitaux de plus de $1.5 milliards. C'était la plus grande de toutes les compagnies des États-Unis d'alors.

Il divorça en 1907 pour épouser, le 14 mai 1907, Mabelle Gilman de laquelle il divorça en 1923. Elle avait alors 41 ans.

Actrice et chanteuse, Mabelle Gilman a joué dans de nombreuses comédies musicales : The Mocking Bird, The Hall of Fame, The King's Carnival, The Casino Girl, The Rounders, In Gay Paree, A Runaway Girl, The Geisha

Histoire de Mabelle Gilman par Mrs Astor (En anglais)


New York Times
New York Times 1907

20 avril 1907


Actress Thrown While Riding In Grounds of Her French Chateau.

Special Cablegram.

PARIS, April 20 - Mabelle Gilman, the American actress who, it is reported, will soon wed W. E. Corey of the United States Steel Corporation, met with an accident on Thursday while riding in the grounds of her chateau at Massey-Verrières, about fifteen miles from Paris. She was thrown from her horse and slightly injured her left knee. She came to Paris to see her doctor and is now undergoing treatment at a private hospital.

Miss Gilman purchased the chateau six months ago, paying between 500,000 and 600,000 francs. She has been living in a bungalow near the chateau while the latter is undergoing a process of renovation and decoration, which, it was arranged, should be completed by the end of this month. The chateau stands in its own grounds, which are very extensive and well wooded and contain two lakes.

Prior to the accident it was understood in the neighborhood that Miss Gilman was going away for a time and would return as Mrs. Corey.

© The New York Times - April, 20 - 1907

New York Times 1907

14 mai 1907


Ceremony Ends at 1:30 A. M. at the Gotham
To Quit Steel Trust Presidency.
A $1,000,000 BRIDAL GIFT
Steel Trust President and His Bride
Sail To-day for Europe
First Mrs. Corey in Town?

William Ellis Corey, President of the United States Steel Corporation, an office which, it may be said upon authority, he will be required to surrender, probably within a year, was married early this morning In a little improvised chapel in the Hotel Gotham, at Fifty-fifth Street and Fifth Avenue, to Mabelle Gilman, the actress for whom he had already sacrificed the wife of his youth. Mr. Corey and Miss Gilman stood beneath an arch of orchids and asparagus plumes, from the top of which was suspended a white satin marriage bell, while the ceremony, was performed.

Seated in the improvised chapel this morning were friends and relatives of both the bride and bridegroom, twenty seven in all. The couple were married by the Rev. Dr. J. L. Clark of the Bushwick Avenue Congregational Church, Brooklyn.

Mr. Corey and his brass escaped, by a margin of an hour and a half, being married upon the unlucky thirteenth of the month. It was the original intention of Miss Gilman to be married on Monday, but at the earnest request of Mr. Corey, she gave up the idea and agreed to post* pone the ceremony until after midnight.

The Ceremony Short.

It was nearing 1 o'clock when the wedding party filed into the improvised chapel and there was some wait before the bridal couple appeared.

The ceremony began at 1:28 A. M., and was over at 1:30.

The bride was attended by her friend and confidant, Miss Frances E. Shaw of London, England, who accompanied Miss Gilman to this country a few weeks ago. There were no other attendants. The bride was given away by no one. There was no best man. All was simple, except the gorgeous surroundings in which the wedding took place.

Judge E, H. Gary, the only Steel Trust representative present, was the first of the guests to leak.

An hour and a half before the guests had sat down to the wedding dinner, which was spread in one of the rooms of what is known as the Royal Suite, on the third floor of the Hotel Gotham, which is within 200 feet of a church and therefore cannot get a liquor license.

At 2:10 o'clock this morning Mr. and Mrs. Corey came down to the ground floor of the hotel from the suite of rooms in which the wedding took place. Mr. Corey carried a small handbag. Their automobile, in which they were to go to the steamer, was some distance down the street from the hotel entrance, and they had to wait until it came up. They went out to the steps of the hotel and stood for a minute or two, and then returned to the corridor of the hotel.

The wedding guests had by that time gathered in the lobby and Mrs. Corey approached them. She was laughing.

"Why, there is a whole battery of cameras out there," she said. "You had better core out with us and get in the picture."

When he automobile came to the door Mr. and Mrs. Corey said good bye to their friends and walked slowly down the steps of the hotel. When they got half way down they paused to give the photographers time to take their picture. The man in charge of the flashlight pulled his string, but nothing happened. Something had gone wrong with the mechanism.

The crowd in the street cheered derisively, and Mr. and Mrs. Corey hurried down the remaining steps and into their automobile, in which they were carried to the Kaiser Wilhelm II, lying at her pier in Hoboken, on which they will sail to-day for Bremen.

They will then go directly to the Chateau Villegenis, on the outskirts of Paris, where they will reside until the middle of July. This chateau, which is one of the finest in France, was the wedding gift of Mr. Corey to his bride. It was given to her last night, just before the wedding. Its value is said to be about $1,000,000. The chateau was purchased recently by the head of the Steel Corporation. In addition to this, the bride received many handsome jewels, most of which she wore last night.

Early in the afternoon a large force of carpenters, florists, and designers set to work to convert the Royal Suite into a fit setting for the wedding, a setting which had been designed partly by Mr. Corey, and his bride. There are five rooms in the Royal Suite, which is on the third floor of the hotel. All were decorated with flowers. From the doorway of the suite a double row of palms, snowballs, and dogwood led to the bower room. It presented the appearance of a long garden walk. Everywhere in the suite was the heavy perfume of flowers.

The largest of the rooms was converted into the chapel. In the north end the canopy was built of asparagus plumes and orchids. The marriage bell suspended there from was of white satin, partly covered with ferns and of lilies of the valley. The clapper of the bell was an incandescent electric light bulb, the gays of which fell full upon the faces of the, bride and bridegroom as they knelt upon the little prie-dieu of white satin. This was also draped with orchids, lilies of the valley, and ferns.

The walls of the chapel were festooned with asparagus plumes, ferns and orchids. It resembled a tropical bower. Two long ropes of satin led from the door to the bower of asparagus and orchids, ands inside these ropes were chairs for the wed ding party, fifteen on each side.

The dinner was served in the room add joining the chapel. A great square table was spread beneath festoons of ferns and roses. Smilax and roses, intertwined, fell in long streamers from the ceiling to the table. Streamers or satin on which flowers were painted also descended from the ceiling, presenting a May pole effect. At the end of the streamers of satin were "Cupids" with arrows poised.

"Too Sentimental ?" Said Mr. Corey.

The centre piece was a solid square of pink roses and lilies of the valley. It had been the original plan to have two hearts of roses intertwined for a centre piece. This was ordered, and was, it fact, placed upon the table last night, but when Mr. Corey and Miss Gilman went to inspect the decorations they were not pleased with the centre piece. "Too sentimental" said Mr. Corey, and the woman he was soon to marry agreed with him.

"That will have to be changed. It won't do," said Mr. Corey, so the decorators had to hurry up another design. This was the only feature of the decorations that Mr. Corey and Miss Gilman did not like.

"You have certainly done this thing up to the queen's taste," remarked Mr. Corey to Mr. Bennett, the manager of the Gotham after the inspection.

The other rooms of the royal suite were adorned with roses and other flowers.

Mr. Corey and Miss Gilman visited the royal suite many times during the afternoon. Mrs. Jeannette Gilman, mother of the bride, accompanied them on these trips. But the last inspection was at 7 o'clock just before Miss Gilman began to dress for the wedding. No one except the decorator, and the hotel chef and his men were allowed in the royal suite after Mr. Corey and Miss Gilman had paid their final visit of inspection. Outside the door stood two watchmen, who warned all persons back.

Mr. Corey ordered several flashlight pictures of the chapel and the dining room. Electric fans were then set to 'work to clear the rooms of the smoke from the flesh powder.

Police to Keep Crowds Off.

Early in the evening, long before the guests began to arrive, two detectives from the Central Office arrived at the hotel and stationed themselves in the main corridor near the elevators. Capt. Lantry of the Fifty-seventh Street Station sent two uniformed policemen with orders to keep a crowd from gathering on the outside of the hotel. The policemen had their hands full for a while.

In the lobby of the hotel many men and women who were not members of the wedding party gathered to look on. In the dining room on the first floor the orchestra played as one selection the Wedding March from "Lohengrin". This was the only wedding march which was heard in the hotel last night, because there was no music at the wedding. Most of the diners recognized the significance of the march and there was a faint ripple of applause when the strains ceased.

Early in the evening there was a rumor that the first Mrs. Corey, from whom W. E. Corey was divorced some time ago, had come on from Pittsburg, and would reach the hotel shortly before the hour set for the wedding. This was learned by the Central Office men. It was understood that if Mrs. Corey did arrive at the hotel she would not be admitted. Most of the hotel attendants knew of this rumor, and watched for her arrival with intense interest. But Mrs. Corey did not appear.

Several of Mr. Corey's most intimate friends were with him during the early evening. Mr. and Mrs. J B. Meehan were among the first of the guests to arrive. Mr. Corey's private secretary met them in the hotel lobby and directed them to the royal suite. They were joined there by ether members of the party as they arrived.

The Wedding Party.

The complete list of those who attended the wedding was given out at the order of Mr. Corey. The list follows:

Mrs. Jeannette Gilman, mother of the bride; Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Thomas of McKeesport, Penn., brother-in-law and sister of the bride; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Peck of Gloversville, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred A. Corey, father and mother of the groom, of Braddock, Penn.; Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Corey Jr., Dunmore, Penn.; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stanley Riggs of New York, brother-in-law and sister of the groom; Miss Frances Erskine Shaw of London, Judge and Mrs. Elbert R. Gary of New York, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Dinkey of Pittsburg, James Gaylor of New York, Alfred Carr New York, Charles W. Baker of New York, W. S. McCormick of New York, George M. Woolsey of New York, D F. Kerr of Pittsburg, Commander Cleland Davis, United States Navy; Frank Mayer of Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. John Bennett Meehan of New York and J. H. Slocum, Mr. Corey's secretary.

The guests sat down to dinner at 11 O'clock. The menu follows:

Canapes Iris.
Puree St. Germain en tasses.
Terrapene a la Gotham.
Cassolettes de Ris-de-Veau a la Parisienne,
Pigeonneaux Royeaux sur canapes.
Salad d'Endive
Peches Rosadelle
Charlottes Russe. Gelee aux Cerises,
Petits Fours
Bonbons. Marrons Glaces.
Chateau Yquem. Dry Monopole 92.

When the dinner ended the wedding party filed into the reception room, and then the Rev. Dr. Clark led the way to the chapel. After all the guests were sated there was a little wait. Then Mr. Corey and his bride entered the room and walked slowly to where Dr. Clark was awaiting them beneath the march.

The bride wore an empire gown of white crepe de chine, trimmed with garlands of embroidered wild roses. The bodice was trimmed with point d'Aiguille lace caught up With trails of embroidered roses, The bridal veil was hand-made tulle four yards square, edged with Point d'Aiguille lace. The material for this gown was purchased in Paris and made there several weeks ago. It is said to have cost $5.000.

Miss Shaw wore a gown of white tulle with panels of point de Venise lace, the corsage being trimmed with gold and roses.

Directly after the ceremony the guests repaired again to the reception room, where they waited for the arrival of the automobile which was to convey Mr. Corey and his bride to the Kaiser Wilhelm II. They inspected the wedding presents which had arrived earlier in the evening and which were displayed upon a large table in the reception room. Many of, these gifts were jewels. There were also pieces of silver and gild ornaments for table and parlor.

There was a small crowd outside the hotel when the wedding party broke up this morning. A big automobile was wilting at the Fifty-fifth Street entrance of the Gotham when Mr. and Mrs. Corey came downstairs. Into this they got and were quickly taken to the ferry, then across to the North German Lloyd piers in Hoboken. On the trip across they will occupy the Captain's suite. Mr. Corey had wished to engage the Imperial suite, but it had already been taken when he communicated with the steamship agents. Two wealthy Westerners had engaged it ahead of him. The Captain's suite has been especially fitted up at the order of Mr. Corey. A valet and a maid will accompany them to Europe. The other servants await them at the Château France. Four ships' stewards will attend to the wants of Mr. Corey and his bride during the voyage.

The Coreys will dine in theft own private dining room. Arrangements have been made by which they will not be obliged to mingle with other passengers on the Kaiser Wilhelm II, unless they so desire.

On the subject of the continuance of Mr. Corey in the office of President of the United States Steel Corporation, THE TIMES printed last week this statement by a man active in the management of the corporation:

"When a man occupies a position as prominent as that of President of a great corporation like the Steel Corporation or the Pennsylvania Railroad, or any similar semi-public position, he is expected to observe the ordinary forms of propriety. What may be said to be purely personal affairs in the case of less conspicuous men cannot be so considered in the case of men holding positions of prominence. They are required, just as public officials are required, to observe in their personal conduct the standards set by the community at large. Mr. Schwab acted very much as if he thought the affairs of the Steel Corporation were his own affairs with the result that he left the service of the company. Any man who fills such a position and disregards the ordinary standards of propriety is sure, sooner or later, to find his position too uncomfortable to stay in."

Upon the authority of an official even higher than the one quoted above it may be said that Mr. Corey will retire from his office at the end of the current year, if not earlier.

The Rev. Mr. Clark, who performed the ceremony, said that about ten days ago he was playing golf at Van Cortlandt when he received a telephone call from Mr. Slocum, Mr. Corey's secretary, who had gone to his house, and there learned where he was.

Mr. Slocum told him that he wanted to see him on a very important matter.

The Rev. Mr. Clarke said that be left the golf links at once and went to Mr. Slacum, who said:

Mr. Corey wished him to marry him to Miss Gilman. Mr. Slocum satisfied him as to his doubts, he said, and convinced him that the conditions of the marriage were legal.

It is a minister's duty to marry people under such circumstances, Mr. Clarke said. Not to do so would promote immorality.

© The New York Times - May, 14 - 1907

New York Times 1912

15 décembre 1912


Former Mabelle Gilman, Here for a visit, Likes France Better.

Among the passengers arriving from Havre yesterday on the France was Mrs. William E. Corey, who was Mabelle Gilman, the comic opera singer before she married the steel man. Mr. Corey met her at the gangway after two hours chilly waiting on the pier. Mrs. Corey wore a black silk pannier gown, a coat trimmed with ermine, and a black picture hat with a white plume. She appeared to have enjoyed her stormy voyage across the Atlantic.

« I love this country, but I can never live here again because the noise would drive me mad. » she said. « When I am here I cannot rest, I cannot think, and I know that I shall suffer while I am spending the holidays with Mr. Corey's mother. Most of the time I shall speed at the opera, where the orchestra will drown out lesser and more discordant sounds. »

« Even Paris is too noisy for me, » she went on. « I have a chateau about 30 minutes by automobile from the city, and there I find peace and quiet. My only disappointment is that I cannot persaude Mr. Corey to give up his business and live abroad. That is the way with the American husbands. »

« I think really that the ideal husband would be a composite of the husband of France and America. Each excels in one way. But the American gives all his time to his business, and when he kisses his wife it is likely that he is thinking of stocks and bonds or accounts receivable. With the French husband it is different. He so apportions his time that he gives half of it to his affairs and the rest he devotes to his wife. »

© The New York Times - December, 15 - 1912

MÀJ : 15 janvier 2025

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